Why Need To Have Health Insurance Since A Young Age?

Why need to have health insurance from a young age? Did you know that health insurance and life insurance that's different? Everyone, including the young, You need health insurance.

Why Need To Have Health Insurance Since A Young Age?

Did you know only less than 60% of the population is not protected by the health insurance? This figure contrasts with the consciousness of the insured in the developed countries like America. Actually why we need to have health insurance from a young age?

Here is the reason you need to consider to buy health insurance while still young:

  1. The cost of health care in Indonesia: outpatient, inpatient and cost medicines is quite expensive. Rising health costs could reach 12% per year.
  2. Rising health costs could be higher than the salary increases. You will have difficulty financially if you only rely on savings to finance the hospitals and healthcare costs. The cost of treatment for the disease dengue fever could reach Rp 6 million – Rp 10 million.
  3. You no longer need to hassle yourself, siblings, parents and other people, because health care costs are already borne by the insurance company.
  4. Prolonged illness could make your family hassles, in taking care of the cost. Not a few cases, the family had to sell assets to fund the treatment.
  5. If you have a family history of the disease hit cancer, diabetes or other critical illness should immediately buy health insurance. It doesn't hurt search out and considers critical illness insurance (critical illness).
  6. Many insurance companies offering health insurance products, whether reimbursement system or cashless. The cashless system you can simply show the card to the hospital partners. So you don't have to bother anymore to take care of the cost.
  7. The cost of health insurance is actually not expensive. You can use government health insurance, i.e. the BPJS health. Per this article created (10 October 2016), a premium Health class I is an Rp 80,000 per month. How to pay are also simple, because now it can be transferred via the virtual account.
  8. Private health insurance is also easy to come by, usually bundling with life insurance and unit link.
  9. Some private insurance companies provide protection abroad. This feature is especially useful if someone is ill-fitting abroad, or having a critical illness so it must seek treatment abroad.
  10. Typically patients who carry insurance card or protected by insurance will more quickly get help from the hospital.
  11. For the expectant mother, it doesn't hurt to consider health insurance. Did you know, that there is health insurance which provides benefits for childbirth? But read carefully the terms and conditions that are in the policy.
  12. Modern man (Men and women) are more susceptible to disease, due to less healthy life patterns, lack of exercise and physical activity, unhealthy food (fast food, junk food), job stress and so forth.

Fair There Have health insurance can help

As above, the cost of healthcare in the increasing reach of 12% per year. Plus the fact proves that modern man easier ill, because of the lifestyle, the food is less clean and others. At least with buying health insurance, we become calmer. Ugly-ugly if it hurts, we still get help with medical expenses from insurance companies.

Does It Still Need To Buy Health Insurance, If Any Of The Office?

Frequently asked questions are, what if the Office has given health facilities? Does it still need to buy insurance? The answer depends, in some of the following conditions;

  • Whether the health benefits offered Office is enough? For example, the Office only finance the hospitalization in class II. If you are accustomed to hospitalization in class I or VIP, yes means you need additional insurance.
  • Whether the health benefits offered Office also protects the whole family? If yes means you don't have to buy health insurance again.
  • Whether the health benefits offered Office, also protects an employee who has been inactive? For example, there is an employee who is exposed to critical illness and had to be hospitalized for more than 1 month. It turns out that there are rules in the Office, stating the employee with attendance of more than 1 month stated stop or out of a job. Whether the health benefits of Office still cover the cost of treatment?
  • Is there a certain disease that is not guaranteed by the Office? For example, the Office does not guarantee critical illnesses, such as cancer, tumors, blood washing and so on.
  • Consider also whether the health benefits of Office only applies in one hospital alone, or in different hospitals? What if the distance of the home where you live very far away from the hospital's designated Office?

Buy Health Insurance As Required

Related to health insurance, should be the right question is: do you and your family have been protected enough in number? A gratuitous dunk does you have health insurance. Most important to identify your needs, calculate the sum assured and find health insurance with premiums in accordance with budget insurance you. Good luck.


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