6 ways Smart Prevent yourself from insurance fraud

His difficult disburse funds insurance coverage bak scourge for the customer. Some people eventually get lazy and end up leaving the rights granted should he get. But not so for Irfanius Al Gadri and beautiful Goena Nanda who brought this issue to the law line. PT Allianz Life Indonesia finally had to face the process of investigation and investigation conducted by the police.
The second victim feels very aggrieved because it cannot disburse funds promised coverage. Parties requesting additional terms in the form of Allianz medical record, while the regulation of the Minister of health is obviously not allowed medical record was issued due to its very confidential. The medical record can only be issued by hospitals when it comes to the health of the patient and the medical follow-up.

insurance fraud via Consumeaffair.com

According to the financial services authority or OJK, in 2014 the number of complaints recorded reached 46.8 percent of 1,479 and the number of it-related insurance claims. The height of this insurance claim problems should be a reminder to be more careful about choosing insurance. As reported by the by the official New York State Government at dfs.ny.govthese are ways that can be done so as not to become a victim of insurance fraud.

  • #1. Smart Consumer

Get information from as many companies or insurance agents. Inquire in detail the related premium payment, the Fund's coverage, process claims, the process of redirecting funds on health care, the beneficiary specified in the Fund's coverage, the extent of its coverage, and ask in case of natural disasters or the terms of the proposed company but is not in the book.

No need to be afraid or ashamed to ask questions, be a smart consumer will avoid or minimize your chances of being a victim of insurance fraud. Product information and requirements that exist in the Treaty is the main requirement to note clearly.

  • #2. Compare Between Products

Don't instantly believe in one product from one company insurance only. Find out and compare it with products from other insurance companies. Although the upside looks so much, think are all the advantages that will be of no use to you. It is often not a helpful insurance benefit for you. Please choose the product that best suits the needs of you and your family.
Read: a status of a suspect, Two officers of the Allianz Blocked abroad
Compare one product with another product will give you an idea of the more extensive and diverse. Just choose your insurance product which best suits your needs.

  • #3. Identify Insurance Agents

Usually, each client insurance will be handled by one insurance agent. Ranging from providing information to help with the disbursement of funds claim coverage is the responsibility of an insurance agent. Not a bit of insurance agents who are naughty, they will force you to buy insurance products.

But after buying it, the agent disappeared and as irresponsible on the continuation and the clarity of the insurance itself. Therefore know your agent personally. Find out the address of his home and, if necessary, create a letter that can be accounted for by law so that the agent can not off hand.

  • #4. Ask For Proof Of Payment

Not all insurance premiums are paid through a bank, there are also paid through an agent and then the dealer will hand over the funds to the company. Insurance agents can just escape Your premium payment to his personal interests.

One way to avoid this is to ask for proof of payment from the agent. After some time the premium payment, you should make sure your payment status also directly to the insurance company.

  • #5. Have Proof Of Agreement

Anticipate there are things which are not notified by the agent or by the insurance companies, then you must read the agreement before you buy it. Read well all the terms written in the deal in order not to regret it later.
Not all copies of proof of an agreement or proof of purchase insurance products will be given to you. Ask for a copy of the agreement as evidence if in the future happen something that is not in accordance with the agreement.

  • #6. Pay Agreement Early

Insurance companies often charge an addition to its premium payable. Meticulous one sees it, there are some costs that are imposed on the client by reason of adding a benefit or get additional services. However, it is not stated in the agreement, if so better you deny and ask the agent or company refers to the total cost of the premium stated in the initial agreement.


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