Home insurance: what is it, and how does it work?

Most people would assume that a House is an asset and a very great achievement in their life, it is certainly very reasonable, considering the House obtained with a very long process and hard work during the are long enough.

By looking at the facts above, then it's only natural you would always want all care and protection that is best for your home. This will prevent you from experiencing a certain amount of risk of loss that can come at any time override home because basically nobody of you can predict when a disaster will come. For that, you need a protection from the beginning, using home insurance.

Home insurance: what is it, and how does it work?

Home insurance and Benefits

Although he is not as famous as life insurance and health insurance, home insurance also has a fairly well known and widely used by the people of Indonesia. This is because of the high public awareness of the different risks of losses and also natural disasters that could occur at any time.

Home insurance is insurance that provides protection against the onset of loss due to the occurrence of fires, acts of theft, or damage caused by natural disasters.

By having home insurance, then all forms of the risk of loss arising out of various things mentioned above will be borne by the insurance company. That way, you can be quiet and feel comfortable because the assets you have the maximum protection that will prevent you from anxiety and even fear of such things.

Imagine, how would it be if at any time the fire disaster comes to overwrite your House and spend the whole building as well as the assets in them all at once? This incident will certainly be very scary, isn't it?  Remember your home is a high-value asset as well as having historical value for you and your family, you'll be so emotionally devastated by the existence of the incident. Then what about the fix?

If you don't have insurance, then any loss arising due to this incident will be your own responsibility. Easy if you have sufficient funds, but what if you don't have the funds for it? Then certain you and your family will be derailed and experiencing financial difficulties, interruptions in dealing with work that bring a steady income every month, it's hard to get back into position or initial conditions.

Do not ever home insurance issues, its protection is very large and has a very important benefit for you and your family. Not just major damage, but a variety of other small improvements to the aftermath of natural disasters will also be covered by it.

Types Of Home Insurance

When you talk about protection, then it's only natural you'll always want the best protection you can get. This, of course, you did with the goal to minimize the risk of losses that may be incurred at any time in the future. Based on the services provided, insurance houses can be distinguished into two types, namely:

1. Property All Risk/Industrial All Risk

This is the type of fire insurance which are unnamed perils, i.e. provide a guarantee against all risks which occur on the property and or interest, unless the risks-risks that are listed on the exceptions, i.e.: war, terrorism, nuclear and radioactive; the delay, loss of market share or business interruption; employee dishonesty, wilful damage: mechanical and boiler; wear, corrosion, the nature of the goods themselves; pollution or contamination.

The guarantees given by the insurance service Property All Risks (PAR), includes:

  • Guarantee for riots, strikes, riot and evil deeds.
  • Guarantee for hurricanes, storms, floods, and damage from water.
  • Guarantee for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.
  • Guarantee for landslides and soil movement.
  • Basically, All Risk property insurance (PAR) only apply to the non-industrial buildings, such as Office, home, hospital, schools and a variety of other properties building. As for the building industry, such as factories, warehouses, malls, and shops, will be used at the Industrial All Risk types of insurance (IAR)

2. Standard fire insurance Policies Indonesia (PSAKI)

This is the standard policy of insurance issued by the General Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAUI) as a form of fire insurance services. The benefits of the insurance products of this property are to provide protection on the property and or interest that are directly caused by fire, lightning, explosion, fall of aircraft (aircraft), and smoke (smoke).

However, besides the main benefits that are listed in the PSAKI fire insurance can be extended with another risk guarantee not guaranteed in PSAKI, among others:

  • Riots, strikes, the ravages of evil deeds, riot.
  • Floods, hurricanes, storms, and damage due to water.
  • Landslide.
  • Business interruption (lost profits)

How It Works Home Insurance

Before you decide to buy a product, then certainly You always wanted to know about the pattern or the workings of the product. Thus, you will not be disappointed or even feel harmed due to the occurrence of purchases made. This will also apply in the home insurance, you certainly want to know clearly the benefits and ways of working that are applied by insurance companies in the product that you will purchase.

Example: you have a House with a building area of 100 square meters, with a value of Rp 400.000.000 home coverage.

The value of the coverage will be obtained by calculating the amount of funding that would be needed to build the 100-acre home meters at the moment. If the current required funds amounting to Rp4 million to build each one square meter, then for the home area of 100 square meters will be needed funds amounting to Rp 400.000.000,-.

However, in addition to the physical building houses, you can also ensure their assets inside the House. For example, the value of assets you have is Rp 100 million,-, then the total value of Your coverage is Rp 500.000.000,-

After getting the value coverage, then you can multiply these values by permit units, so that eventually you find the value of mandatory annual premiums you pay, i.e. of Rp750,000. This number is of course very much when compared to the value of the coverage you will get, isn't it?


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